The Gaither Vocal Band got its come from the first 1980s with four dudes singing around a piano backstage before a Bill Gaither Trio show. Gary McSpadden, Steve Green, Lee younger and Bill Gaither had been only having fun, harmonizing on "Your First time in Heaven" when Bill decided they ought to try their new noise on a live audience that extremely evening. The audience went wild... and that impromptu performance marked the start of a period.
Now, for more than a quarter century, the Gaither Vocal Band has created a legacy of award-winning quality which have forever raised the club for male harmony. The list of guys who possess made up the Gaither Vocal Band over the years reads like a "who is which" among the gospel music industry's best-loved sounds, including: Gary McSpadden, Steve Green, Lee younger, Jon Mohr, Larnelle Harris, Michael English, Lemuel Miller, Jim Murray, Mark Lowry, Terry Franklin, Buddy Mullins, Jonathan Pierce, David Phelps, Russ Taff, man Penrod, Marshall Hall and Wes Hampton.
Always at helm happens to be Bill Gaither, who's led the team out of his personal passion for great equilibrium along with his genuine want to deliver important music to a hurting globe. Therefore the Grammy-winning, chart-busting success of the Gaither Vocal Band has actually far surpassed his wildest expectations.
In January 2009, a Reunion of Gaither Vocal Band alumni premiered on DVD and straight away shot towards top of Billboard Magazine's Music Video charts for four successive months, and topped Christian and Southern Gospel sound charts. The event rekindled friendships among the alumni, honored the team's last, and even supplied a glimpse in to the future... the next that would begin by bringing back once again sounds from the Vocal Band's wealthy history of talent generate a brand new period in the life of the GVB.
These days, the Gaither Vocal Band roster is made up of Bill Gaither, Wes Hampton, David Phelps, Michael English and Mark Lowry. Independently, these guys are gifted designers and males of authentic trust. Together, they are the incomparable Gaither Vocal Band, understood across the world due to their powerhouse vocals, innovative harmonies and life-altering message... a note of sophistication, hope and redemption.
"Jesus is up to some thing right here, " Bill Gaither states regarding the current team. "I keep on being astonished during the extraordinary ways He communicates the effectiveness of the Gospel not just through our songs, but through our lives. The straightforward communications I first started currently talking about as a wide-eyed, youthful musician hold truer to me today than previously... therefore truly is about far more compared to songs."