Experimental music bands

August 23, 2022
Experimental Music Bands

CCE-LLAwhenever you consider the Southern American noise, tropical and folkloric songs rapidly pops into the mind, but much like numerous locations worldwide, in the event that you remove the dust from surface, and shake the stereotypes, you could find different projects that blend avant garde mediums of production with the conventional music history.

The web makes this digging procedure a great deal easier, with musicians and imaginative collectives popping up from underground systems to a worldwide sequence of collaborations. Pueblo Nuevo, Jacobino Discos and Michita Rex are a handful of names that will surprise due to their considerable magazines including many releases in styles like dub, hip-hop or digital, all made out of an experimental strategy.

The power and legitimacy of many of these projects generated an invite for Magallanean duo Lluvia Ácida, pop experimentalist Naam and Mika Martini’s Frank Benkho moniker to relax and play during the University Of Michigan on October 28 in 2010. Therefore within context, we put together a summary of 10 of the most interesting Chilean experimental performers with some assistance from Polar, a member of Lluvia Ácida, and Ervalizer from La Golden Acapulco.

Lluvia Ácida: we have been starting from the underside, therefore we decrease to Punta Arenas where perhaps one of the most austral rings had been produced. Rafael Cheuquelaf and Héctor Aguilar (aka Polar) combine area recordings from Antarctica, Pre-Hispanic indigenous vocals and unorthodox examples. They've collaborated on remixes and production utilizing the loves of DJ Raff, Gepe and Fakuta.

Quim Font: Joaquín Contreras leaves the microphone as well as the electric guitar that made him a recognizable figure once the frontman of punk ensemble Marcel Duchamp and started initially to combine various acoustic instruments and pass them through lo-fidelity computer system production procedures, making folk-sounding ambient works well with calm afternoons in Quilpue.

F600: Musically raised in Chile’s 80s punk motion, Miguel Conejeros played the keyboards on notable bands like Pinochet Boys and Parkinson. He took the solo path and utilized title associated with classic Fiat vehicle to create and produce his electronic vision of music. 2001 saw their debut at Sónar Barcelona which led him to establish his profession in Spain.

Gozne: Born in Valparaiso and associated towards the Epa Sonidos label which iconic when you look at the port city, Gozne experiments with commercial and analog elements involved in diverse sonic outputs. Whether concocting Latin sounds on Botika or in their most recent much more techno and acid driven songs, Gozne constantly develops an academic and intellectual experience to their work.

Los angeles Golden Acapulco: With a title obtained from a mythical marijuana strain that rocked the tropics within the sixties, the end result of Acapulco Gold is emulated while playing this band composed of Ervalizer, Poli Jah and Dr. Leinad, who will be creating dub experiments merging sound, improvisation and circuit flexing with old-fashioned reggae dubplates.

Eggglub: Affiliated to the cassette and digital only label No Problema Tapes from Santiago, Eggglub is vaporwave-fashioned neo heart funk with a fanzine-like aesthetic. Nostalgia is all over the place and I also can only suggest that cruising at sunset because of the fill up on a coastal road is the best method to enjoy these sounds, being already making waves through digital communities.

El Sueño De Los Angeles Casa Propia: José Manuel Cerda’s musical task, ESDLCP is one of the most commonly known names associated with the underground. Global news like Remezcla, Noisey and MTV Iggy have shown value for his electric music and ethereal surroundings. With a very non-commercial approach, he's got additionally been able to do in big celebrations like Mexico’s NRML and Chile’s versions of Lollapalooza and Mutek.

Polystation: Little by little, Discos Cetaceos have become a well-respected label from Concepcion with releases by Nabucodonosor, TFried additionally the Mugris. Chilean stone city indigenous Pablo Aguilera took the scene by storm together with his chillwave retro songs combined with pop music appropriated structures. Their tracks are full of eighties sources and cosmic synthesizers.

Mika Martini: Long before the worldwide explosion of Southern American electronic folklore, Mika Martini had been making use of that influence to create deep digital sound. Mestizo was launched in 2007 by himself label Pueblo Nuevo, accompanied by Mestizo Retocado from 2008 with remixes by Doma Tornados and El Remolón, signalling the start of a movement.

Bagre: a growing experimental beat maker from Talca, the outlying town landscape contrasts with urban inspiration attracted from crates of labels like Stones Thrown or Definitive Jux. In the end, hip-hop sources are always truth be told there whenever you have a look at Chile’s present musical record. Get ready for some fresh music with a worldwide perspective.

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Source: soundsandcolours.com
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